The EPA Bans Common Pesticide DCPA

In a historic move, the EPA has called for the pesticide dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate, also known as DCPA or Dacthal, to be removed from the market immediately after its use has been found to cause irreversible damage to fetuses when they're exposed in utero. 

While it was first introduced to control weeds in crops like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and onions, DCPA quickly became more commonly used on grasses like private lawns and golf courses. 

DCPA was first identified as causing thyroid issues in the 1990s, but in 2023 the EPA released a conclusive assessment that the pesticide is harmful to pregnant people. In many cases, those affected do not know they have been exposed until symptoms occur. 

To be clear, DCPA is just one of the many pesticides being used in commercial growing practices, so it’s no surprise there are traces of toxic chemicals on the produce you can find in major grocery stores. The Environmental Working Group has identified chemical residue in 75% of all conventional produce. 

Take control of your wellness by growing your own food. Your health is quite literally in your hands. 

One of the many reasons I started to grow my own food was because I was dealing with severe chemical allergies. I witnessed firsthand the negative impact these toxins and pesticides have on my health. So in order to immediately decrease my body’s toxic load, I started growing my own organic foods in a kitchen garden. And my symptoms started disappearing. 

Taking control of your health starts with how you nourish your body..  

When you plant an organic garden, you’re choosing to fill your plate with produce that’s free from synthetic chemicals and pesticides. This means fewer toxins in your system and more of the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants your body needs to thrive. Plus, there’s something incredibly empowering about how natural it feels to take responsibility for fueling your body with healthy and nutritious foods. The benefits are exponential. 

Growing your own organic food isn’t just about avoiding harmful pesticides like DCPA – it’s about embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes your health, your family's well-being, and the environment. Organic gardening allows you to have complete control over what goes into your soil, onto your plants, and ultimately, into your body. It’s a way of reconnecting with the natural world and ensuring that the food you eat is as pure and nutritious as possible.

If the idea of taking control over your health through organic gardening resonates with you, now is the perfect time to start. Create a kitchen garden that nourishes your body, your soul, and your family. And if you’re ready to dig in but aren’t sure where to start,  check out the portfolio of functional + beautiful gardens designed and installed by Kitchen Garden Design House for inspiration!

You can read more about the recent DCPA ban here.


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