Custom Garden Design: Kitchen Garden with Built-In Pest Control

If you’ve had your garden ravaged by squirrels or even deer in the past, you have to check out this custom kitchen garden with built-in pest control. This small, fenced-in, stand-alone garden is the answer to those pesky critters!

This garden is moderately sized, making it perfect for a beginner gardener. I love customizing a garden exactly to the taste of the homeowner. We've installed smoothie gardens, salad gardens, herb gardens, even a juicing garden! You can pack a lot in this small space thanks to vertical growing space - just imagine sugar snap peas and purple snow peas climbing up the trellises! 

And maybe you didn't know built-in pest control is even an option! With this custom design, you won't have to stress out about critters stealing your tomatoes, or nibbling on your zucchini. Maintenance just became that much easier.

Client: The VanKlompenberg Family in Delavan, WI

Custom Garden Design:

  • single 8’x4’ cedar bed; 32 sq. ft. total growing space

  • custom built-in pest control; both sides of the bed fold down for easy access during maintenance and harvesting

  • three obelisk trellises

Garden Installation Process:

This property is the family's weekend home. The number one priority was providing ample protection from scavenging critters and deer that sometimes roam in the family's backyard. Since they wouldn't be able to maintain critter/pest control daily, we knew we needed to design extra built-in protection. To maximize this family's harvests, we added a bunch of vertical growing space. Three obelisk trellises in the middle of the bed give those climbing plants a place to grow.

We filled any free space in the bed with herbs and salad greens. Fresh picked herbs will amp up dad's grilling masterpieces, and the crisp leafy greens will be perfect for mom's garden salads.

Kitchen Garden with Built-In Pest Control Highlights:  

After years of having container gardens at their home in the city, the VanKlompenbergs are excited to enjoy fresh veggies on the weekends with this bigger raised bed. According to Skyler (age 10), who is the "Chief Gardening Officer" of the family, “My mom has tried to garden before, but now we actually have a legit garden!”

Skyler worked together with his mom and grandma to help us install the garden. We planted some of Skyler's favorite veggies: cherry tomatoes, Jack Be Little Pumpkins, and cucumbers. 

Do you want a garden with built-in pest control?

Schedule an info session with me and we can get you started on your path to a personally customized kitchen garden that works for you!

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